What do Señorita Moms and Julia Roberts have in common?

Señoritas, did you know that Julia Roberts is an organic mom?

Source: Knocked Up Celebs
She makes her own eco-friendly cleaning spray, keeps a journal on her environmental concerns, checks labels, and plants an organic garden. READ MORE

As an organic mom (one who is mindful momma), she uses non-toxic and Chlorine-FREE diapers or plastic-FREE, flushable diapers for her kids. Señorita moms, if you want to go organic, might as well teach your children too! You can start by using natural products for your special angels. Human Nature sells natural kids' care line that is very safe for your children. 

Aloe Vera Kids Shampoo & Bodywash

Aloe Vera & Chamomile Baby
Shampoo & Baby Wash
How about pampering your baby’s hair and body with Human Nature Aloe Vera & Chamomile Baby Shampoo & Baby Wash? For older kids, Human Nature Aloe Vera Kids Shampoo and Bodywash is available. The ingredients are made of mild, natural and chemical-free formula so you won’t have to worry about harsh chemicals that could irritate your youngsters’ skins. The scents are absolutely lovely, your kids won’t be able to resist.

Bubbly Gum Kiddie Spray Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizers
It’s not easy to be there all the time to protect your kids. As señorita moms, what you can do is equip them to ensure their safety. That’s why there is Human Nature Bubbly Gum Kiddie Spray Sanitizer. This will protect your kids from bad bacteria and germs to keep them healthy and strong. It serves as surface sanitizer (e.g.  toilet seat) and deodorizer. Unlike other spray sanitizer, it’s triclosan-free but it can still kill 99% of germs. There are also the Human Nature Kiddie Hand Sanitizers TRICLOSAN-FREE! The Strawberry Sugar Fairy for girls and Pineapple Protector Elf for boys are especially kid-friendly. Aside from protecting your kids’ hands from bacteria it also keeps the hands soft and smooth.

Life is all about choices as they say, senoritas. What would you choose for your children’s needs? Natural or synthetic? 

What do Señorita Moms and Julia Roberts have in common?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Angela 10:00 AM  

we can all do a little bit to help.

Josiet 7:58 PM  

Wow she makes her own eco-friendly cleaning spray. Hats off to Julia Roberts! =)

osenorita 2:05 AM  

thanks for dropping by señoritas, cheers!

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