Filipina Shoppers: Carry Eco-friendly Bags at all times!

Señoritas, after our municipality declared a NO-PLASTIC BAG policy I was irritated! Why? I now have to carry my purchased goods in a paper bag that easily tear. 

Not a pretty sight, señoritas! Especially, when I have to pick up all my loot on the floor after my paper bag fell apart! Change is not easy when one has been used to certain things for a long time. I’ve been comfortable using plastic bags as my shopping bag for decades. I was naturally, adamant when the no plastic bag policy was first enacted a few years ago.  READ MORE

For Mother Nature’s sake, I know that every señorita must to do her part in saving the environment. I really appreciate our local government’s effort to do something about the growing problem on plastic trash --- one of the most lethal polluters of our planet.  

That’s why I now have a growing collection of eco bags, senoritas! Every time I go shopping or do my groceries, I carry at least 2 eco bags with me.  It’s also nice to see that the malls and big restaurants in our town follow the no plastic bag policy. This is not an isolated case. Many people and countries in different parts of the world are already promoting the use of eco-friendly bags. Even Hollywood celebrities, like Jessica Biel, uses eco-friendly bag!

There is a line of eco-friendly bag that especially caught my eyes --- Human Nature Tote Bags! These bags are extra special because the bags are designed by Clarisse Simonneau, a French intern of the Center for Social Innovation from l'École de design de Nantes Atlantique who is currently stationed in GK Enchanted Farm in Angat, Bulacan.  These tote bags are meticulously hand-crafted by Gawad Kalinga Blue Eagle Village community in Payatas. This particular community is home to impoverished Filipino families who used to live in shanties with the dumpsite as the children’s playground.  By providing homes to the families and establishing community-based social enterprise, Gawad Kalinga is able to empower the community to be self-sufficient and productive. 

Human Nature is a much-admired supporter of social entrepreneurship in the Philippines.  The company provides livelihood to Gawad Kalinga residents and communities. This includes sewing and printing quality tote bags that Human Nature sells. Señoritas, every time you purchase Human Nature Tote Bags, you help build a better life for the community who crafts the adorable eco-friendly bags. Check out the designs and tell me what you think, señoritas!

P.S.  Please CONTACT US if you want to become a Human Nature Dealer yourself. :D

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Cacai M. 2:25 PM  

Thanks for the visit! That's a very nice eco-bag!

mymy 4:26 AM  

i wonder if that will be implemented here in QC...there will be an uproar, am sure! lol. :D

Genefaith 1:36 PM  

I love the designs of the eco-bags esp. the first one:) I'm also using eco-bags in shopping but di pa rin dito binawal ang cellophane...

Joy 8:00 PM  

wow! i want to have one to add to my eco bag collections :) thank you very much for visiting my blogs, please come again, don't be shy ahihi

osenorita 8:07 PM  

I'm giving away a few of these eco-bags soon! So, pls tune in regularly for more details. :D

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