Make Up Tips: How to Put On Eyeshadow

Jessica Alba
They say that the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. Notice how Jessica Alba’s eyes glow even when she’s not smiling? This sweet and sassy señorita definitely knows how to smile with her eyes. 

Her eye make-up adds more definition to her already beautiful eyes. Frankly, eye make-up is my least favorite product because… I DO NOT KNOW how to use eyeshadows! I’m afraid to end up looking like a skank if I use eyeshadow.  To conquer my fear, I practiced some simple eyeshadow application techniques. I’m posting the techniques here… these might also be of help to you, fellow señoritas. READ MORE

Single Color

Yes, you can use one eyeshadow color and still look sassy, señoritas!  Just make sure that the color you use compliments your overall look or the color enhances your eyes. The usual application techniques are seen in the picture below.

Multi-tonal Shading

Feeling naughty and tired of using just one shade for you eyes? Then try two or more shades for a more creative and fashionable look. Depending on the colors and technique you use, you can manipulate your eye shape with multi-tonal shading.  The effect of multi-tonal shading could also make your eyes more dramatic.


This could be a bit complicated, especially for senoritas who are not expert on eyeshadow application (like me!). But I was witty and bold enough to try doing it. Practice makes perfect, right?  Contouring is a great way to camouflage the eyes.  It helps the eyes look smaller or bigger, depending on how you want it. Specific delineators are used to contour the eyes which depend on what effect you want to have. Check the picture below to see several ways of contouring the eyes.

After a few hours of trial and error, I am still no expert when it comes to eyeshadow application. But the good thing is, I now know the looks that best suit my eyes.  If you do plan to practice applying eyeshadow make up, you might want to try Human Nature Love Minerals – Mineral Eyeshadow. It’s the latest addition to Human Nature’s Love Mineral Make up line. The palette contains three shades of 100% chemical-free eyeshadows that will not only make your eyes more attractive but will also protect your eyes from harmful substances. Human Nature Love Minerals – Mineral Eyeshadow is available in two different palettes: Sweet Innocence and Enchanted Evening.

What are your eyeshadow application techniques, señoritas? I’d LOVE to know!

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Joy 9:04 PM  

wow! this post made me like to wear an eyeshadow again, it has been years that i am not putting on any make-up except for a lipstick hihi

Josiet 7:24 PM  

Don't ask me about make up. I don't know anything! LOL!

I'll keeep the above tips in mind though =)

Genefaith 2:26 PM  

I'm using the single shading and multi-tonal shading...i love to put eyeshadows bec. it makes my eyes more attractive:)this tip is helpful!

mymy 7:57 PM  

am afraid i barely even know how to use a lipstick, much less put on eyeshadow! lol
but i admire ladies like yourself who do! :)

Hobbies and Everything 8:08 PM  

hi sis!!! tnx for always visiting my site Hobbies and Everything..
Me, I use eyeshadows everyday..I only put a little but a combination of three similar shades..
Before, when I used to work in a Bank, we are encouraged to put some make-up to look pleasant to clients. So, now that I transferred to a Government Agency, I continue my passion of looking great for my self and to other people as well.. : )

Cacai M. 12:06 AM  

thank you for sharing! I have a friend who looks like her. :-)

The Pepperrific Life 4:45 PM  

I'm not a make-up wearing kind of girl, but I do want to start using some cosmetic enhancements to my features :). Using eyeshadow is a good idea, and the tips listed above seem pretty easy to do :)

Now I can progress from my usual concealer and lip gloss...

raqgold 6:45 AM  

i used to experiment with eye shadows but it would always turn out to be 'hmmm' efforts... i might just experiment again. i used max factor and those cheappies from the bangketas of bangkok.

osenorita 7:27 PM  

thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, señoritas!!!

Anonymous,  11:07 PM  

are the pictures like, from left to right, step 1 2 3? is that how to put on eye shadow or they are the different ways on how to put on contouring?

saloon 4:47 AM  

this post helps to put nice shades.

sasha 6:14 AM  

shadow make eyes beautiful
day spa packages

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